HTML tutorial


Typewriters are pretty awesome. I originally bought one as a prop for a short film I'm currently making, but the more I learned about them, the cooler they got.

Adler Gabriele 25 (1968)

Size: Portable
Condition: Working

Extra Stuff


I purchased my Adler Gabriele 25 on the 11th of Febuary, 2025. It's pretty awesome. I got it a few weeks after I purchased a Remmington International typewriter, but that one turned out too be far too large and heavy to take anywhere or carry. I wanted to get another typewriter to replace Big Remmy, so I bought the Adler to replace it.

There were a few problems. For example, it didn't come with any ink for it, so I used one of the several spools I had bought for Big Remmy. That worked well enough, but then another major problem showed up. When I used the typewriter, it wouldn't print the letters properly on the paper. The letters were faded and sometimes not even there.

13/2/25 (later)

I cleaned the 'slugs' of the typewriter (the metal parts with the letters) with a combination of Isopropyl alcohol, a small brush, a towel, many toothpicks and MANY cotton swabs. (This took about 2-3 hours of non-stop cleaning to get it to work)


I purchased my Adler Gabriele 25 on the 11th of Febuary, 2025. It's pretty awesome. I got it a few weeks after I purchased a Remmington International typewriter, but that one turned out too be far too large and heavy to take anywhere or carry. I wanted to get another typewriter to replace Big Remmy, so I bought the Adler to replace it.

There were a few problems. For example, it didn't come with any ink for it, so I used one of the several spools I had bought for Big Remmy. That worked well enough, but then another major problem showed up. When I used the typewriter, it wouldn't print the letters properly on the paper. The letters were faded and sometimes not even there.


I found a new problem with Gabriele. Basically, when you type, the ink ribbon spool thing should spin by a small increment so you get fresh ink for every letter. But the ribbons on my typewriter don't spin at all. Not even a little bit. So I'm going to have to fix the mechanism, and the amount of information on my specific model is very limited.


I looked at the bottom of the typewriter, and I saw that the spinning ribbon mechanism wasn't connected to anything. No wonder it didn't work! So now I'm trying to make an automatic, motorised spooling machine.